Dongchang Lake Scenic Area
Dongchang Lake National Scenic Area historical and cultural city - the urban Southwest Liaocheng, East, North West District were Liaocheng Liuyuan trunk Road, Fairmont Road, bounded by West Lake, south to the south ring road, with a total area of 20.6 square kilometers. Renowned at home and abroad of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and had to wear Scenic Area. Dongchang to Lake scenic area was built in the Northern Song period, Liaocheng city center to the surface the vast, beautiful scenery around the area around the ancient city of Lake Dongchang based Liaocheng embodies the "water, ancient text," the characteristics and create Liaocheng a "town there is Lake, Lake in the City, Lake River are one," the unique style of western Shandong and Hebei, Shandong, Henan border region's most famous scenic resort.
Dongchang Lake Xining Song was founded in three years (1070 AD), in the basis of the original moat excavated from experience on behalf of, the existing water 4.2 square.
kilometers for the People's Republic of China Jiangbei region of the large city of lakes rare. Dongchang Lake Yellow River water for the source of perennial water depth of 3-5 meters, the water clear without any industrial pollution; scenery and pleasant, giving the tourists away. Dongchang Lake is already thousands of years of history of one square.
kilometers Liaocheng city square. Well-preserved ancient city style to the ancient city of the middle floor, light mountain as the center, surrounded by radiation to form the North and the South East and West District 4 city roads, and other streets, they are distinct latitude, vertical.
cross-cutting, forming checkerboard grid mesh skeleton. Old Town residential area, has retained the white walls,灰瓦, the city's traditional architectural style roof. The ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal on both sides of the streets out cloth, all kinds of shops in residential areas, with the slope on the trend, according to river and built. Be the size of paving stone piers, the株株vigorous古槐, as well as the Tower of Song Dynasty隆兴寺, key national cultural relics, Qing Shan Shan Hall building, people will still appreciate to the heyday of the old canal ancient Liaocheng漕运prosperity and glory. Through the effective development and utilization of these unique tourism resources, the formation of the scenic Lake District Dongchang an important element - Lake Scenic Area, ancient customs and cultural areas and the Canal Zone.
Dongchang Lake Scenic Area profound culture, rich in tourism resources. Liaocheng has a long history, outstanding people, the history there have been many outstanding figures, the prime minister Zhu Ming延禧, the Qing Dynasty to become名臣Fu, Ren-po, Tang Zhong-yue famous paintings, modern anti-Japanese Fan built first national hero, a famous scholar and social activist Fu, as well as young model eighties and nineties Zhang Haidi model leading cadres Kong Fansen are outstanding representatives of them. In addition, the "Water Margin", "Ghost Story", "Golden Lotus", "老残游记" People's Republic of China and other ancient masterpiece of ancient Lake Dongchang Liaocheng and are described. Thousand years of history, many prominent figures, created a Dongchang Lake scenic area rich cultural background and details. Charming natural scenery, a large number of cultural attractions, but also come together to form a Dongchang Lake scenic area rich tourist resources. Scenic Area, the People's Republic of existing scattered scattered tallest ancient wooden structures, one of the Ming Yue-kwong Lau, the Chinese Buddhist cultural treasures in the Song Dynasty Tower, commercial and cultural epitomize the exquisite architecture of Qing Dynasty Hall of Shanxi and Shaanxi, China People's Republic of the Qing Dynasty, one of the four major private collection of the sea floor, such as the source of Ge sites, as well as the Fu Memorial Hall, built the first national memorial Fan, Comrade Kong Fansen Museum and other cultural attractions; Dongchang Lakes region in recent years and the construction of the People's Republic of China Fishing Association Liaocheng fishing base, Dongchang Lake amusement park, Jiangbei Village Water Penny, bathing beach, boat docks, lake Island, Hexiang Island, such as a large number of floating Chunting attractions and facilities, lake 30, Yu Hua's green belt is also the beginning of evolving and Hoseo Park, 21-hole Tour Xiguan stone, stone, etc. Beiguan visit a number of key construction projects are being actively implemented.
Dongchang Lake nearly five square kilometers of existing water, Jiangbei district of China's large-scale rarely seen in the city of lakes. Lake Center is that there are already thousands of years of history of one square kilometers Liaocheng city square. Well-preserved ancient city style to the ancient city of the middle floor, light mountain as the center, surrounded by radiation to form a city district east-west north-south trunk road 4. Other streets, they are distinct latitude, vertical cross-cutting, forming checkerboard grid mesh skeleton. Old Town residential area, has retained the white walls,灰瓦, the city's traditional architectural style roof. The ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal on both sides of the streets out cloth, all kinds of shops in residential areas with the slope on the trend, according to river and built. Be the size of paving stone piers, the株株vigorous古槐, as well as隆兴寺Tower Song, Qing Shan Shan Hall building, people will still appreciate to the heyday of the old canal ancient Liaocheng漕运prosperity and glory.
大家好!我是您的导游员「聊聊」,尊敬的各位来宾: 我们面前的这座高大宏伟的楼阁就是著名的光岳楼。
在敞轩内檐下我们可以看到一块木制的匾额“共登青云梯”,它是原书法协会主席启功先生所题。 (乾隆御碑前)
我们这块石碑有它独特的文物价值。这主要体现在两点上,我们着重来看一下碑侧这首诗。首先我们看它的字体,乾隆皇帝是中国历史上一位非常有才华的皇帝,在他一生当中写诗就达到了一万多首,他在各个景点留下来的字也是相当的多,但乾隆皇帝在其他地方留下来的字多为行草或者是小楷字体,您看这首诗,它是行楷字体,这种字体是不多见的,所以比较珍贵,这是其一。第二点,这首诗是乾隆55年皇帝80高龄的时候最后一次登楼所题,乾隆皇帝80岁写的诗相当少,所以,这首诗就相当的有意义了,我们看他的字写的刚劲有力,圆润流畅,由此可见我们这位皇帝的书法功底是非常浑厚的。如果大家对书法感兴趣的话,一会可以仔细的揣摩一下。 现在大家随我这边请。(一楼东门)
在一楼东门的门楣之上,我们可以看到一块木制的匾额,这块匾非常的有意思,您看一下右手边第一个字,非常象我们现在所写的东西南北的“东”字,但是这块匾额是清朝时期所题,在清朝时期并没有“东”字的简写,“东”呢应该是第三个字,这个字就是我们东岳泰山的“泰”字,“泰岱东来做翠屏”,意思就是说:巍巍的泰山也不过是光岳楼东面一座翠绿的屏障。作者用非常夸张的手法,来形容这个楼阁是非常的高大和宏伟的,它的作者就是清朝著名的诗人施闰章。施闰章字尚白,号愚山,安徽宣城人,当时官居山东的学政,他有个学生非常给他露脸,就是《聊斋志异》的作者蒲松龄,施闰章就是蒲松龄的老师。施闰章在做山东学政期间曾经断过聊城一个非常有名案件—— 胭脂案,后被他的学生蒲松龄载入《聊斋志异》当中,就是我们的看到胭脂姑娘的故事(在我们湖心岛的望岳亭重檐就绘有胭脂姑娘的故事,故此岛也叫胭脂岛)(一楼室内,古城模型边) 请大家到室内来。
Light on Floor
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We have before us the magnificent tall light tower is well-known mountain floor.
Yue floor light of national historical and cultural city ----- Liaocheng symbol. Ming Hongwu it for seven years (1374 AD), now has a 631-year history. According to Yue floor light in Liaocheng city center, in the construction of the pavilion's main role is to: "更漏strict, long-term perspective to see the enemy, time alarm," the military role. Pavilion reflects the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing architectural construction to a transition in the history of Chinese architecture has a high status, so in 1988 when it was named the state's key conservation units.
Yue-kwong floor area of 1236 square meters, the appearance of four ridges重檐歇山cross the street-style pavilion, with east, west, south and north of four arches, the same four, the amount of tickets above the door puzzle, South said, "civilization", North Saying "Wuding," West said, "Lai-hing," East said, "Peace." From the building structure on it and at the same time the construction of the Xi'an Bell Drum Tower the same as the main building by the pier and is composed of two parts, we can see that the masonry structure with a high of nine meters (accuracy is 9.38 meters) is Piers, Piers is located in the main building above the height of 24 meters, the entire tower height and the bottom edge of the pass are 33 meters long, that is, the nine ancient Zhangting九尺, nine in ancient China as the number of very positive, meaning its height is not exceeded. 631 years ago, Yue-kwong, Liaocheng city has been building the highest most magnificent buildings.
The rest is up to please visit with me and other buildings. (At the beginning of登楼) Because the construction of the pavilion at the time it is the military role, so this is the only channel up and down a relatively steep slippery stairs, we登楼attention at the foot of the time.
Xuan檐下within the open we can see a piece of wooden board, "Gordon Green has a ladder", which is the original calligraphy by Mr Qi Gong Association title. (Qianlong御碑ago)
In front of us is that this monument of the Royal Qianlong Chapter poetry monument system. Emperor Qianlong had been Dongchang 9 (5 times Tour East, southern 6th, 9th through the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal pass by here), six登楼, improvisation upstairs做诗13, this monument is inscribed on the integrity of the 5. Monument surface 2, two碑阴, there is one side of the monument.
Carefully may have found the middle of this monument marks disconnect, leave had been destroyed during the Cultural Revolution, the historical records, there are two of the Royal system Qianlong stone, only to resume after the Cultural Revolution from a piece, another piece has been I am sorry come.
We have this piece of stone has its unique heritage value. This is mainly reflected in two points, we focus on the monument side look at this poem. First of all, we see the fonts, Qianlong emperor in Chinese history is a very talented emperor, in his writing throughout his life has reached more than 10,000 on the first, he stayed in various spots of the word is also considerable, but Qianlong emperors in other places to stay for Cursive characters or lower case font, you see this poem, it is行楷fonts, this font is rare, it is more valuable, this is one. Second, this poem is the Qianlong emperor 55 years when 80-year-old by the last登楼title, 80-year-old Emperor Qianlong wrote very few poems, so this poem is quite meaningful, and we see him write the word the vigorous and effective, smooth flowing, we can see the emperor's calligraphy, we are very simple and honest knowledge of. If you are interested in calligraphy, one can try to figure out a careful look.
Here with me now please.
(The first floor of the East Gate)
East Gate in the lintel above the first floor, we can see a wooden plaque, this plaque is very interesting, you look at the first word right-hand side, very like what we are now written by the North and the South's "East" word , but this board is the title of the Qing period in the Qing Dynasty, and there is no "east" of the abbreviated word, "east" it should be the first three words, the word is that we Dongyue Taishan's "Thai" characters, "泰岱Tsui East to do ", meaning to say: The Towering Taishan mountain is merely a light green floor, the east of a barrier. The authors used a very exaggerated way to describe the tower is very tall and magnificent, it is the author of the famous Qing Shi Runzhang poet. Shi Runzhang word is still white, No. Yu Shan, Anhui Xuancheng, and at that time Shandong Xuezheng官居, he is to his students get, that is, "Strange," the author of Pu, Pu Shi Runzhang is teacher. Shi Runzhang Shandong doing Xuezheng Liaocheng been broken during a very well-known cases - rouge case, after loading his students SONGLING "Strange," which is why we see the story of the girl rouge (in our Lake Heart Island岳亭look重檐painted rouge on the girl's story, the island is also called rouge Island)
(First floor room, while the ancient city model)
Please come to the room.
The first floor in our room, first of all that we see the model Liaocheng city. It is based on years of the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing "Dongchangfu chi" and "Dongchangfu city map" produced. From the chart we can see, we Liaocheng city side of the border is, while it is one kilometer long, is an area of one square kilometers.
According to the ancient city is the center of the tall tower is the station we are now the location of light-dake floor. It is the crossroads of the four main road, which is the direction of the four main road of the Founder, was a cross, the other a vertical cross-streets. Overall, as our ancient Liaocheng is a big chessboard, with a bit similar to the ancient city of Xi'an, is the framework of grid mesh grid.
Liaocheng since ancient times as they: "can not lose the Phoenix settlement of the city", that is to say we were Liaocheng in the defense system is very complete, and now we look at the Liaocheng on the defense system. First of all we see is the ancient city wall, you do not have a look at the four corners敌楼every one has a turret, there are east, west, south, north four Shing, Shing Mun outside the box called "瓮城"There is a proverb called"瓮中捉鳖"refers to the瓮城our. Liaocheng瓮城with other parts of the瓮城is different, because it turned the door is the door, which at that time, it also adds to the defensive. Taiwania瓮城outside the high part of the city retaining embankment, the middle for the bridge, the beltway week was a blue zone三丈wide, deep moat of两丈, defense system is complete.
This scale is the establishment of the early years of the Ming Dynasty stationed in our first Royal Dongchang command Wei Qian Yong Chen built so. Liaocheng was left over from the Song and Yuan Dynasties Tucheng, Chen Yong Tucheng think this can no longer meet the needs of the military at that time, in order to combat with residual Yuanjun, he released a letter to the emperor, the Soviet Union from the Green Power, which is now the Philippine National transported to a number of tribute to the construction of nanmu Liaocheng ancient walls, and then he left with the construction of the walls of the timber and masonry in the city center with the construction of such a military role in the loft floor is light-dake, so building the early days of being referred to as "more than木楼." Also known as Gulou.
Let us now follow the direction of my hand up, in the top of a shrine, dedicated to a niche where a statue, he is the carpenter Lu Ban祖师爷. (In Liaocheng on the construction of the pavilion there are many legends, one of the most popular design that is built in Luban. Legends Yong Chen was ordered to build a floor, when the craftsmen老是拿not see the program, when Dongchangfu to the Music of the Road, a white hair, he left no one with the ax handle, right hand holding a small building in the model, this small building is a nine inch high model of 9. an old request to see a carpenter Road left a small building model. and then they broadened the basis of this model to start building floor 100 times. works very well, good floor, it will encounter a new problem, the original wood floors are always activities, are additional wedge both anxious time, but also a hard wedge. At this time, Road again, he's cut a lot of silent wooden wedge, and then手一指, wedge d fly in all, a little, a lot of , a strong high-rise immediately. Wai House Road and turn three times, followed by a carpenter who also transferred, the transfer to the Road to see that the floor still tilted to the northwest, but see the last section in the northwest corner of his rust axes into the stone floor, under the rules-based, people squinting一瞧, are also building up a genuine, experienced carpenter gods know,叩拜down quickly, and they looked up, have not seen Road, people knew that God Road people, Luban Vision, and therefore, the property completed, people just like plastic Luban here.)
"Representing" the four characters is The Last Emperor's brother in 1988 to celebrate Pujie Yue Floor Light is listed as key national heritage conservation units inscription. Words sent a light-dake amazing floor!
Shrines on both sides of a red couplets can be seen, the joint is: "Zhi, Shandong and Thailand, west of the Yellow River, the moonlight涛声, lean on a railing is infinitely good wine." Is下联"layer of Taiwan launched the book (the book鲁仲连shot喻燕will be), micro-township (殷纣Wang period, the closure of Kai brother here, said the country sub-micro) Mingzhi, outstanding,登楼have余馨tone. "写景the Alliance, described the geographical location of Liaocheng, who wrote下联that Liaocheng has always been outstanding, and the board这座楼, you can record reminds us of the great performance of the ancients. This is one of a King who couplet is Liaocheng Prefecture in 1933 the system孙桐peak, in October 1992 by a professor of Shandong University, a famous calligrapher Mr. Jiang Weisong re-written.
Now we take another look at the main components of the tower. The pavilions are all mortise and tenon wooden hasp pavilion, the main frame in its structure, not a nail used. I now hand the root of this column on both sides of the red wooden pillars hold a total of 32, we can be in the house number to 12, while block 20 is within the walls. Pavilion Pavilion is a frame structure, the wall would not be brought down by floor, brick wall rain only play the role of the wind as a major supporting role is that of the 32 wooden pillars, wooden pillars that we are now called Kim, because it is the tall, the locals also call it pass Tianzhu, its height is 11.58 meters, from the first floor has lead to the third floor, which is a whole root of the wooden pillars, there is no disconnect in the middle. This is the wooden pillars of the Soviet Union from the green country of the Philippines is now the country by the sea by the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to Liaocheng to us, and it is a group of kung wood, then wood is tribute to the ancient city wall built Liaocheng, you can that at the time of the military status of Liaocheng is very important.
With the consolidation of the rule of Ming Dynasty, this building will soon be forgotten military function, but the floor is light-dake tall and majestic in her名扬天下. So please now登楼visit with me.
Because the pavilion is a wooden pavilion, in order to fire, no electricity upstairs, the staircase is rather dark, so we登楼at the foot of the attention at all times.
(Second floor, a photographic exhibition on view map Liaocheng ago)
We have read of the ancient city of Liaocheng model, and now we take another look at this pair of pictures, it was in October 2002 by the bird's eye view aerial map of Liaocheng. From this pair of maps we can see, we Liaocheng city to retain the very integrity of the border is Founder, edge-kilometer area is one square kilometers. Located in the ancient city center is light mountain building, the four main road is very Founder, East, West, North and South Bridge is a four Guan was east, west, south and north of the site of four parts of bridge, the blue zone beltway week is that the moat, but now cut through several hundred years, has become an area of 6 square kilometers of Dongchang lake waters, it is the North's largest artificial lake, and the West Lake in Hangzhou considerable, and its water reservoir is 150 million cubic meters, the Yellow River water is the main reference. From this pair of maps we can see our Liaocheng pattern of this unique city: Lake in the City, the city has lakes, Lake River one. We will be able to for a very intuitive in the fourth floor to see this landscape. Sorry just a little, you see, this is the west side, from the chart we can see that the west is the narrowest part of the lake, this part of the surface has given way to a housing block, and we can not see, but we can see Xiguan bridge, it is the site at the time of the suspension parts of the West.
Qianlong palace we went to the following.
(Qianlong Imperial Household Bank)
Qianlong Emperor Qianlong palace is a poem that time and place of rest. According to "southern tour event," records, as Qian Long Light Yue House, one of 36 palaces.
In the palace, we can see that there is a map on the wall, it is the "southern festival map. Dongchang paragraph," the time of Emperor Qianlong southern accompanied with the artist, artist use a pen to describe scenery along the way down assembled into a collection, a part of it known as the "southern festival map", which is one of the "Dongchang paragraph", Reproduction of the Qing Dynasty some Liaocheng scenery. we look at the maximum of the pavilion is that we掩藏不住light mountain building, down the ancient walls, and then down the river is very well-known history of Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. The river is 26 million Yuan will be cut in the section Tonghe. LIAOCHENG canals to bring history of 400 years of prosperity, especially the Ming Yongle thirteen years海禁, the river became the only connectivity to a north-south sea routes, so at that time is very busy Liaocheng, known as the "draft of the lapel Caojing throat,肘腋of days "and" JIANGBEI a city "reputation. Liaocheng next to the tower is the oldest building, built in Northern Song Dynasty Tower years, according to this year 1000 has been the history.
In the palace of Emperor Qianlong and then rise up, we see from the second floor we can see three, the fourth floor of the scenery, which is called "air wells", which is an architectural style of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. Well space is used to ventilation, lighting, and construction of the pavilion at the time, this place is actually a feeding mouth. The whole floor, all wood construction, great materials used in other places and very difficult, so this place through the wood with a rope to pull up delivery, and then proceed to the top of the building.
Further point of view, we can see the fourth floor roof, the roof of a very beautiful. Is carved out of wood followed by a huge lotus flower, surrounded by flowers, lotus leaves and lotus seed to set off. It's called 'caisson, "also known as" Lotus Well, "the ancient carvings on the roof above the lotus has its own deep intentions, is a wooden pavilion pavilion, fear is fire, fire at the time of the ancients have a sense of , but they did not measure, then the mascot of the water sculpture on the roof above the role of an alert, we must remind ourselves of the fire. Lianhuashan allow you to see, it is inverted on the roof, are the growth of Lin in the water, that is to say water is the roof of our Block, "Tianshui grams to the fire," the ancients used a clever element of the principle of mutual restraint in the hope that Lotus could allow that镇住the pavilion, bring to the pavilion a harmony.
Now we visit the third floor.
We can come to this, we find that we become more and more steep staircase, more narrow, because it was a military function, so easily defensible, easy to defense.
(On the third floor)
The structure of the third floor is a dark layer, light is very dark. It is a transition layer, in this play the role of connecting.
Just in the first floor for everyone when I said that our house is 32 tall wooden pillars support played a major role, and now we must first look at this in the top 32 wooden pillars. (In the Liang Fang below). This is one of them, the height of 11.58 meters on this end. In it are some of the wood around the top of the beam Fang, is the form of the beam inside and outside the circle with the two channels, we can see that only the innermost part of it, outside there is a channel, there is a certain distance from the top of the Fang Liang We can see that these heavy elements such as lead, which is called the brackets, these brackets are load-bearing components, it is first of all the columns on the bottom layers upward pressure transmission, and then the pressure to levels above decomposition, This up and down in both directions to achieve a balance of power. Large wall brackets under the eaves outside there are more than 200 small brackets, brackets and outside the two parts together, which can be between inside and outside to inside and outside layers of decomposition of the force, transmission of power to meet both internal and external strike a balance, which we can see that the ancients in the construction of the tower when the mechanics have a very thorough study of the.
Well, now we go to visit the fourth floor.
(On the fourth floor)
The fourth floor is our most top of the tower. Point four on the fourth floor I cry, I hope these four Liao Ming-jun Liao is the year where the enemy hope. Cry from the four I hope we can see panoramic views of Liaocheng city.
(I stand in the south of Liao Wang)
Now we are the location of the station is south of Liao I hope, you see the lake at the time of the moat is now Dongchang Lake, South Gate Bridge is a bridge, suspension bridge in the original site of the former Yugoslavia to build up on the site. In the front we can see a group of ancient buildings, it is the Qing Dynasty, one of the four major private collection of pavilions Haiyuan Court. Court Haiyuan southern river by the then Governor Liaocheng local people - by the creation of Yang, which is the largest private collection JIANGBEI floor, and Jat, Changshu, Jiangsu-based "Iron Guoqin floor copper sword,"丁申Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Ding C, "volume 8000 Floor ", Zhejiang Lu Xin-Yuan Wu's"百百(bi) Songlou "and referred to as the four major private collection of Qing Dynasty floor. In 1972, Chairman Mao Zedong as a State ceremony presented to the Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka's "Songs of the South Annotations" is out of Haiyuan Court photocopies of books.
(I stand in the West Liao Wang)
(North side mouth of Liao Wang)
We are now the location of the station looking North Liao mouth, the waters of the north is relatively narrow, but we can still see the water. Bridge is in front of Beiguan bridge, suspension bridge in the north of the site of the original building up the site. We can see from the northern city of Liaocheng unique pattern, "in Lake City, the city has lakes, Lake City, one" within Lake Dongchang dwarf those at the end of the building is the ancient city area, outside the Lake District is that the new high-rise buildings. As early as the early nation-building, in order to protect the historical and cultural heritage Liaocheng, in the formulation of the first town planning, on the identification of the "protection of the old city, opening up new area," architectural principle, all the buildings in the ancient city of the region's building height can not be more than 12 meters, Yue-kwong is the height of first floor roof, therefore, retains a more complete picture of the original style of the ancient city of Liaocheng.
Close we can see a green vegetation is now a relatively large number of compound, and this is the first memorial built Fan. Fan built first, Shandong Guantao Formation in South-yin Temple, and the famous national hero, when the (1936) as Shandong Province, the Chief Inspector of the Sixth District, and county security forces and Liaocheng. He actively supported the party's anti-Japanese ideas, adhere to resist Ju Han Fu south order, and in November 19, 1937 electricity throughout the country, to fight to the death in the end the war. November 14, 1938, the Japanese violation of Liaocheng, as a result of damage elements, Fan can not wait to build the first retreat, which insists on the 15th city, the Japanese city break, heroic martyred. In 1987, the Civil Administration, and Liaocheng Liaocheng district government built a common norm in the construction of the memorial to General martyred Department. The largest black middle-stone of Deng Xiaoping is the title of "Fan martyred Department to build the first" next to a small stone tablet, is the liberation in January 1947 Liaocheng, the Eighth Route Army to protect the political institutions of a culture of war damage from the forces released into the city three orders. The first of these is the "first martyr to the Fan build cemetery stand at attention, saluting." The second source of Ge in the sea, "to protect China's four major private collections, one of the sea floor, the source of the Library Club", the third on the eastern side of our "proper for the protection of Fu Kwan Street in the North residential."
(I stand in the East Liao Wang)
Dongguan had Beiguan Street Bridge is, and Fu Guan Memorial Hall in the North East First Street.
Fu, Meng true character, he is well-known historian, educator and social activist. Peking University has done on behalf of principals, heads of universities in Taiwan and so on. Fu's life, done a lot of deep impact event. He founded the Institute of History, chaired the Longshan Culture in Shandong Chengziya Yin Ruins in Anyang sites and the excavation work. He is of modern intellectuals in the outstanding representative of a school's academic master of both Chinese and Western, is also the pride of Liaocheng.
Stand this, I give you light to talk about the origin of the name of mountain building. The beginning of light known as Yu Yue木楼floor, which is the remainder of the construction of walls built of wood, also known as "Drum" Ming Chenghua 22 years after the overhaul floor light Yue, Yang Dongchang can知府because Dongchang located, will be renamed as "floor Dongchang" Koji prescribed nine years (AD 1496), the Ministry of Examination员外郎Gong Li Chan Dongchang passing, with the金天锡Prefecture Dongchang the floor board. Lee Chan significant appreciation of the pavilion. He is standing on the station we are now the location for the eastern side of the lines seen on the Mountain, is said to back四五十年ago, when the storm really can see the Mount Tai. In ancient times, the eyes of Taishan Mountain is so Chan-Lee in his "Poem title sequence optical Yue House" in said: "The Adams House sighed, and the world, which is, though Hwanghak, they should look Yueyang al. Is this century is still lonesome down without having the name, do not also屈乎?天锡is with the comment of the said Order: Optical Yue House, lesser light in the near Lu also岱岳. "mean that is close to the pavilion Dongyue Taishan, Taishan Shenguang is subject to the blessing, so named Yue-kwong, are still in use.
If it is indeed the house of God or the gods Taishan, or wells that lotus or warning, or the protection of Liaocheng good people or man-made, the tower 631 years ago, the size of the fire has not happened once. 631 years, it has been standing in the center of the ancient city of Liaocheng, Liaocheng witnessed the history and vicissitudes of life, it is Liaocheng city landmarks, history and culture is also a symbol of Liaocheng.
Well, we light on the mountain on the floor of this end, the following are free to visit us about ** minutes after we set the ground floor.
山门,又称三门或牌楼,为四柱三间牌坊式门楼。面阔7米 ,进深1.7米,高10米 。四根柱子的柱础均为圆雕的狮子,中间两柱正面阳刻楹联,字体雄浑,气魄宏大。
山门外南北两端,各有一座插旗杆用的正方形石墩。石墩高1.98 米 ,宽0.92米 ,石墩前后两面刻有龙凤,左右两面刻有荷花牡丹。山门内侧有木质圆柱四根。门后两内柱的上端与壁中两外柱以构件相连。
走进会馆,过了戏台下的一道山门,便见华美的戏楼,戏楼坐东面西,与大殿对峙。戏楼后山墙中央有一条从戏台下穿过通往庭院的甬道,宽2.16米,高12.12米 ,入口处为砖雕垂花门罩。罩上方有石刻匾额“岑楼凝霞”四字。甬道左右各有一个石刻照壁,左刻丹顶鹤与苍松,右刻梅花鹿及花草,均高2.08米 ,宽1.15米。照壁下有精致的石刻插屏架,上有细腻的砖刻垂花壁罩,上饰琉璃制黄牡丹、绿麒麟和万年青等。
山门与戏楼之间,有连接二者的遮雨过楼,顶部为单檐硬山式。戏楼为二重檐两层台楼,结顶正脊为歇山式,又于左右各出歇山,成十翼角,房面覆绿黄两色琉璃瓦。戏台呈正方形平面,台高2.3米,前台宽9.6米 ,深5米 ,后台宽8.6米 ,深3米 。戏台正面开3间台口,檐下有5块透雕木质额枋,中间为“福禄寿”三星故事,两边为飞龙、花卉和人物等。4根檐柱均为石雕楹联。内联楷书阳文:宫商翕奏赏心是金榜题名洞房花烛;扮演成文快意在坦道骏马高帆顺风。外联楷书阴文:结五万春花奏雅宣和无戾风骚称杰构;谱大千秋色镂金错彩有裨世教即奇观。
戏台里侧,有迎屏将前台与后台隔开。屏上绘有4幅大型花卉,左右木柱上刻有阳文楹联:响遏行云,一曲笙簧欣乐利;歌翻白雪,八方舞蹈荷升平。屏上方悬挂着木刻匾额“云霞绚采”。戏台的前台两侧为八字形折壁,折壁上各镶有高1.8米、宽0.5米 的石刻工笔图画。左为“海市蜃楼”,右为“天台胜景”。戏台藻井彩绘团鹤祥云,似寓有福比天高之意。其精工细作的复台结构较为罕见。
钟、鼓楼下各有一小院,院内翠竹茂密,院墙上有一圆形月门通往庭院。庭院东西深23米,南北宽33米 ,中央有一条平直的石板路,路两边各有一株百年古槐,浓荫如盖。庭院正面的大殿台阶下,有一对高大雄健的石狮,由狮身、须弥座、底座3部分组成,通高3.25米。底座四面雕刻佛教八大法宝,前为剑、杵;左为伞、塔;右为铃、笆;后为印、铂,用以驱妖避邪。须弥座上部刻花瓶、鹿、小瓜、石榴,取其平平安安、福禄绵绵、甜甜美美、多子多孙之意。下部前为牡丹、左为荷花、右为梅花、后为菊花,意为四季吉祥。这对石狮,左面脚踩绣球者为雄狮,右面脚踏幼狮者为雌狮。据记载,这对石狮从山西选料精凿细刻而成,耗银633两。
南北看楼位于钟鼓楼的西面,戏楼台前左右两侧,为面阔五间,进深一间的二层外廊式建筑,楼长16.5米,深5米 ,其顶为卷棚式,上覆灰瓦。看楼底层地面为砖铺地,二层楼板由六根木制楼板梁,上置木地板椽,在木地板上铺石砖以构成。二层房架为四架梁,上置檩、椽、望板和瓦件。看楼为敞开的廊式建筑,可以坐在楼内观看戏台上的表演。
看楼位于庭院南北两侧,各面阔5间,上下2层,楼长16.5米 ,深5米,房面为灰瓦卷棚顶,为看戏、饮茶、谈生意的场所。看楼上首是碑亭,各为3开间,正面敞开,筒瓦歇山顶,飞檐则高出看楼和大殿房面。额枋上下较宽,各绘有日出、龙虎、瓜果和人物图案。每一碑亭各竖有石碑4幢,壁碑2块。立碑通高均为6.2米,宽1.2米 ,碑文内容详细记载了山陕会馆历年维修建设情况,碑阴还刻有各商号名称及其捐银数量。南碑亭西首内壁上,还立有清乾隆所刻地契碑一块,详细记述了山陕会馆置买园地阔步数目、四至、买价及刻石立碑之因,是研究晋商经营思想的重要文献。
Liaocheng Shan Shan Hall
Shanshan Liaocheng City Hall in the south, Canal Bank, is the commercial prosperity of the Qing Dynasty Liaocheng and witness a microcosm. Qianlong Dynasty Hall for eight years before (1743), Shanxi, Shaanxi merchants as "the joint祀神out Sangzi" financed and constructed, from the beginning to the completion of a total of 66 long years, the consumption of more than 92,000 Bank of the two. Hall 77 meters from east to west, north and south 43 meters wide, covers an area of 3311 square meters. The whole building, including the Mountain Gate, off floor,戏楼, folder floor, visual on the second floor, north and south看楼, Guandi Hall, part of the Spring and Autumn Pavilion and so on, a total of more than 160 pavilions, the key units to be protected as a national. . The existing hall in the country, the Hall of Liaocheng Shanshan construction area is not great, but it's exquisite architecture art sculpture and painting but is rare.
Hall according to traditional Chinese palace-style architecture with the basic pattern of each group construction, a balanced emphasis on both sides of the symmetry axis, highlighting the central axis line construction, the form through the roof, the size of面阔into the deep, artistic elements, such as carving the character to distinguish between the construction the primary and secondary level. Along the axis from east to west, followed by the Mountain Gate,戏楼, Bell-Drum, the North and the South看楼,碑亭, in献殿, Guandi Temple, Spring and Autumn Pavilion. Shanmen to the Spring and Autumn Pavilion from three courtyards gradually increased错落有致, the single building connected compact layout.
Mountain Gate, also known as 3 or arch, the arch for the four-poster-style gatehouse 3.面阔7 meters, 1.7 meters into the deep, 10 meters high.柱础the four pillars of the Lions圆雕are the middle two-column positive couplets engraved Yang, fonts, powerful, ambitious spirit.
下联is: Why Only仙佛merit full of gas into the Western world has long been a saint.
The middle of the door frame and lintel stone over stone carving bat design.嵌条stone lintel above the middle of a piece, the carved "Hall Shanshan", describe.
Between the two small doors and door frames are made with whole Qingshi, stone carving on shallow cloud volume. Insert a lintel stone above the side plaque, plaque, respectively, regular script, "Lu-in", "and tread." Meeting between the two sides of the brick building for the eight-shaped影壁, left影壁book "on sperm penetration of" the right to "towering cause."
Hill outside the north and south ends of each of the pin plug with a square stone. Shihtunkeng 1.98 meters high, 0.92 meters wide, around the sides of stone carved with dragon and phoenix, around both sides engraved with peony flowers. Shanmen inside four wooden columns. Door of the top two columns and walls in the two components connected to external columns.
Into the hall, had to work together under the Shanmen stage, we see戏楼of China and the United States, east of West戏楼sit with the confrontation between the great hall. After戏楼central gable with a cross from the next stage connected to the courtyard, width 2.16 meters, 12.12 meters high, the entrance door to cover垂花brick. Have cast stone reads "House condensate Cen-xia" words. Connected around a stone照壁have left carved red-crowned cranes and pines, deer and flowers carved right are 2.08 meters high, 1.15 meters wide.照壁under the table plaque with fine stone frame, there are delicate砖刻垂花wall enclosures, glass system on the decorative yellow peony, green and evergreen, such as unicorn.
戏楼Shanmen and between遮雨have to connect the two buildings, at the top of mountain-style hardware for单檐.戏楼Taiwan for the second floor, two-tier重檐guitar for正脊Top歇山type, but also about the歇山each, into 10 wing angle, the HA surface cover, green, yellow and white glazed tile. Stage was a square-plane, 2.3 meters high, 9.6 meters wide front, 5 meters deep, 8.6 meters wide background, three meters deep. Front of the stage to open 3 Taiwan mouth, there檐下the amount of five wood透雕Fang, middle for "Gods of Fortune" Samsung stories on both sides for the dragon, flowers and figures. 4檐柱couplets are stone. Yang inline script text: Gong Xi are played Anthurium attraction is the bridal chamber金榜题名; play written Fiat Horse Road in the Tanzanian high wind sail. Outreach阴文script: 50,000 chunhua played guitar and do violence Ya Xuan Jie lightsome said conformation; spectrum Daqian autumn color镂金wrong teaching that is beneficial wonders of the world.
In the side of the stage, there are welcome screen will be separated from the front and backstage. Screen there are four large-scale painted flowers, carved wooden pillars around the text are positive couplets:响遏行云, an outstanding sheng Lee Lok-yan; songs over the snow, the Netherlands Dance Shengping Happo. Screen hanging above the wooden board, "Xuan Yunxia mining." On both sides of the front of the stage for the eight-shaped folding wall, folding the wall of the set 1.8 meters high, 0.5 meters wide picture of the stone fine brushwork. Left as a "mirage", the right to "roof-top scenic spots." Mission stage crane painted caisson Xiangyun, may put Blessed meaning than the sky. Seiko secret agents of its complex structure is rare.
戏楼symmetrical on both sides of the folder of North and South buildings, and戏楼together for three two-story building单檐. The middle of a high roof, the inside and outside the passage under the arch. East to the stone plaque on the door each side, the left as "Yue", the right to "pray to the sea." On both sides of the second floor rooms are open to the park east window.戏楼acting here as when the original actor's dressing room and lounge. So far in its walls also can be seen twenty-five years from the Qing dynasty (1845) to the Republic of China for eight years (1919), Shanxi, Shandong opera around the ban of the Yi and the Ministry of Education and Social customs agency, the actors all the time to write to "play the East", "the main social classes," the poem, as well as dissatisfaction with Beijing Opera, opera in Shanxi, Hebei Bangzi of more than 120 operas and other traditional operas, the theater for the study of Chinese history, has a very important value.
Bell Drum Tower Bell Tower, Drum Tower north-south symmetry, points out in the folder outside floor. Are built in brick to Taiwan on the second floor of the single ridge重檐Cross歇山architecture. Two each of the 12 first tier support檐柱roof. West楼门layer. Left for the "Clock Tower", the second floor of the south楼门, there are stone lintel "vibration deaf" side banners, incised couplets on both sides of a pillar: the sound of large and far away, a long hard and deep meaning. The right to "Drum", the second floor of the north to the楼门. There are stone lintel "deaf Police" banners party incised couplets on both sides of a pillar: they should be aware that Crestron listen, how can ear them.
Minutes under Gulou have a small hospital, hospital Cuizhu dense, there is a circular wall on the door leading to the courtyard. 23 meters east-west courtyard deep, 33 meters wide north-south, the central stone of a straight road, the road on each side古槐a hundred years, such as shade cover. Level of the main hall facing the courtyard, there is a pair of tall, vigorous lions, who by the lion,须弥座, 3-part base, 3.25 meters high pass. Base is surrounded by eight carved Buddhist magic weapon, the former for the sword, pestle; left for the umbrella, and Tajikistan; right for the bell,笆; after India and platinum, used to drive evil demon. Upper须弥座engraved vase, deer, small melons and pomegranates, choose safe, continuous Fulu, sweet the United States and the United States, multi-meaning children and grandchildren. Before the lower part of peony flowers left and right for the plum blossom, chrysanthemum after, which means auspicious seasons. This stone lions, the left foot for the Lions Hydrangea, the right foot for雌狮Youshih. According to records, this stone lions fine finish from the Shanxi carved from fine chisel, two 633 silver consumption.
Bell Drum Tower is located in the North and the South看楼the west, around both sides of the stage戏楼for面阔5, into a deep verandah-style two-story building, floor, 16.5 meters long, five meters deep, and its top for卷棚type, overlying灰瓦.看楼the bottom of the ground for paving brick, two-floor wooden floor by the six beams, rafters on the wooden floor home in the wooden floor in order to constitute a brick floor. Two-room frame for the four beams, on the home purlin, rafter,望板and tile pieces.看楼for the open architecture of the gallery, you can watch the building to sit on the stage show.
看楼located north and south sides of the courtyard, the面阔5, upper and lower 2-storey, floor, 16.5 meters long, five meters deep, the Housing灰瓦volume for棚顶surface, in order to watch a movie, drinking tea, the place to talk business.看楼is the first碑亭, the 3-room, a positive open,筒瓦歇山顶,看楼roofs and main hall are rooms above the surface. Fang places up and down a wide, all painted sunrise, Longhu, fruits and characters designs. Each have a monument erected碑亭the four, two wall monument. Qualcomm tablets are 6.2 meters high, 1.2 meters wide, inscriptions detailed records of Shanxi and Shaanxi Hall building maintenance over the years,碑阴also engraved with the names of firms and the number of捐银. South West碑亭the first wall, but also by Li Qing Qianlong carved monument lease a detailed account of the Shan Shan Hall stride home park to buy the number of four, the purchase price and the result of stone-built, is to study the important thinking of Shanxi Merchants business literature.
Lease tablet discount from the West, the South had碑亭Simon is paid wall monument. Jiaqing Youqing mosaic fifteen (1810), light twenty-five years (1840), Tongzhi six years (1867), Tongzhi thirteen years (1874), two Guangxu (1894) the enactment of the "reactive center finish out the calendar year listed monument versus "expenses, such as stone 5.
Hall is the center of Hall Construction,献殿and recovery from the formation of殿前, canopies Department Gutter phase. Hall also献殿and rehabilitation of the north and south into the main hall and side hall in a palace, before and after about six Hall面阔all three. Surface is higher than the main hall of the North and the South side hall in a palace room. Volume献殿for棚顶, rehabilitation of Temple Hill was suspended. Review the main hall rooms face the green glazed tile, surface before and after the room has central mosaic Ling shape yellow and green glazed tile. Ash South and the North side hall in a palace筒瓦review.
Main hall of the basilica, also known as Guan Di,殿前have four square pillars, stone pillars for the vertical leg Guoqin mantle柱础stone. Positive pillars carved with couplets in praise of Guan Yu, Yang行楷columns for the text:伟烈Zhuang past and the present, noble spirit loyalty, true gentleman at the Han Dynasty; sincerity Participation Heaven and Earth, English Xiongwu, Jin forever man.
行楷outreach for阴文: Non-杀身成仁will, people who asked me just the whole section; diffuse pass by Zhiyong said, laughing scholar Reading the Spring and Autumn air. 4檐柱above the 3-wood set with the amount of Fang透雕middle engraved with a figure of Lao Zi and the Eight Immortals. The left inscribed "Chuan fairy" story, the right inscribed "filial line map" for the ancient Chinese二十四孝a few stories from left to right as follows: "Shoot Zhusheng cry", "Fan Wen pillow quilt," "right-huai pro-left "," mother buried for children "," WEN Lei tomb weeping, "" do as one pleases mosquito full of blood "," bed of ice for carp. " Fang of the top places, but also painted 6 "Journey to the West," the story of Peony Flower Painting and wood for decoration 12.
檐廊the middle, hanging plaques are wood-yang-wen, "the righteous cause of towering" words. Inside the main hall was placed献殿offerings, meeting premises procedure. Hall of purlin beams are painted species,雕梁画栋, resplendent, with 18 story characters. Is hanging inside the top of "the rich people rich" wood board.
Gallery献殿too much behind, and the North and the South side hall in a palace in the back of献殿have the same gallery. Gallery sodu mountain wall to the north and south角门each campus-wide, the doors have stone横匾lateral side, the South said: "Antarctica," North said: "North arch."
Have been followed by resumption of the Middle Temple Gallery, Dian-zhong暖阁a rear side, for God before the Court, Guan周仓peaceful statue 3. God 3 m high statue, dressed in embroidered robes roll, Jinguan Baoliu tassel,威丽correct, like the imperial image. Complex檐廊still bring up the rear,廊下have four wooden columns and columns of stone are required for fine柱础. 3 top檐柱set the amount of wood Fang透雕the middle carved figures, Peony, North and South on both sides engraved with dragon, unicorn.檐廊the wind on the board, both sides also set "Nepal added Hill Road" and "justice秉麟as" an important further embodiment of the temple in the belief that authentic orthodox Confucian thinking.
Southern side hall in a palace located in the south of the main hall, also known as Wenchang fire temples, the public was to have worship premises Vulcan Wenchang. With the same settings in the main hall, that is,献殿ago, after the Temple complex.献殿前廊have to stone the unicorn, an elephant made of stone柱础4檐柱its side were engraved with flower pattern Xiangyun crane, a positive couplet inscribed. Yang inscribed within the text column couplets: gas of the beads may see light at midnight open-kui; Gong Ji original water, away from the home position by probucol. Outside the inscribed pillar couplets阴文: digital Nantian respect to the Home, Pro God flame bucket handle Yingying; o the North Pole and the slaughter of, Lang Lang stars Jing Yuan Kui down.
檐柱the top of the amount of wood inlaid with three Fang, both engraved with an intermediate phase, expression of seven different Lu Yan and chrysanthemums, on both sides of the two were engraved with plum blossom, flowers, bottles, and tea Incense Burner pot. Hanging there in the middle of檐廊Yang Wen wood board "when the wind and waves tim" party.
Inside the complex behind献殿for God and Vulcan Wang Wenchang灵官, hanging above the main entrance hall "days Kaiwen Win" wood board.
Northern side hall in a palace located in the north of the main hall, also known as "Temple of Finance", and Wenchang Temple of the North and the South corresponds to the fire, the public was a fortune to have a place to pray, but also divided into Hall献殿and rehabilitation.前廊have to献殿stone of the unicorn, an elephant柱础stone for檐柱4, the lateral column, the back engraved with floral patterns, respectively, a positive couplet inscribed with engraved pillar couplets阴文: Siu Tak Fu financial, physical and chemical extraction des Nations Tianbao; firms in order to facilitate related, Qing haiyan Heqing 1:00. Outside the column couplets engraved Yang: Digital津要and palm financial resources to complete thousands of miles wrapped around the waist; sense of money into a pillar in God, no fear of the future is contained Bao.
檐柱the top of the amount of wood inlaid with three Fang, engraved with the middle of a six pian and a castle, and both sides were engraved with tripod, flower vases, incense burners and食盒. The middle of the hanging have檐廊Yang Wen wood board "Secretary Li Ji Gong" party.
Inside the complex behind献殿for God and Water God赵公Ming Wang Jinlong谢绪four statues, hanging above the main entrance hall "Jesus Christ Lai Wing" wood board.
Spring and Autumn Pavilion, the end for the Hall, the tallest temples.面阔3, from top to bottom 2 layers单檐歇山, gray筒瓦top brackets carrying beam structure. There are four前廊Court檐柱wood, wood carvings are前廊amount透雕Fang, carving figures and peonies,金瓜, flowers and so on. Court attached to a tower all around, up and down each one, the two tower fan coupons door plaques each side, the South said, "Next Step" North said, "step." Spring and Autumn Pavilion is dedicated to the past "Guandi" premises. Guan Yu a sharp portrait of the original building, the life story of Guan Yu in the second floor of the original series of figures群像wood. At present, the second floor, west wall still retains its stone carving of Guan Yu阴线body side.
On both sides of the Spring and Autumn Pavilion, for the north and south sides of the verandah, the面阔3, into a deep,灰瓦roof and connected with the tower and the main hall, forming a compact courtyard off. Veranda two campus-wide north-south on both sides of the North and the South. Between the two houses, and in the North and the South East Veranda hatchback door have the same first. Existing campus-wide hardware South Hill three tile-roofed house. North, south of existing campus-wide housing 3, two small northern housing, small kiosks Schiff 3, sit back door east west one, are灰瓦roof, the former a廊檐.
Liaocheng Shan Shan Hall, upon completion, has been the history of the expansion and maintenance 8. According to the existing record of 16 pass stele, of which the 4th repair for eight years from the Jiaqing (1803) to Jiaqing years (1809), lasted 7 years, two silver 49,643.43. Maintenance of the 5th quarter in the light (1845), two silver 18,028.78. Maintenance of multi-use timber from Zhongnanshan Shaanxi, Shanxi Fenyang craftsmen come from government, as far as possible reflect the architectural style of its local characteristics. Over a hundred years after its completion, the annual Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival is a show to entertain God.
Liaocheng Hall Shanshan history Liaocheng commercial development of the economic prosperity of the witness. It sets epitomize traditional Chinese culture, into the traditional Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism in one of three ideas. Compact layout of the building,错落有致connecting decency, ornate, is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture. It's stone, wood, brick and painting process is the fine art of architecture in China, the study of ancient Chinese architectural history, business history, theater history, cultural history of the canal, calligraphy, painting, sculpture art history, as well as seeds of capitalism in the Qing Dynasty factor in the emergence of the information has high value.
Hall, the city of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from the clansmen or the same industry group comprising封建性. Beginning in the early Ming Dynasty, the earliest known Hall is built in the Yongle reign of the Beijing Center of Wuhu. Jiajing, Wanli period, the center tends to flourish, up to the mid-Qing Dynasty, almost通都大邑Hall, House, state, county and even some townships have set up. Liaocheng merchants gathered in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Dongguan Shan mountains along the canal, in Jiangxi Province, Suzhou, Ganjiang, eight martial arts hall, etc., in which Hall of Shanxi and Shaanxi is the only preserved building of the Hall.
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